Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Lord, Save Us From Your Followers

Here's an interesting clip about a new movie out which puts that question Mahatma Ghandi answered about Christians. When asked what he (a Hindu saint) thought about Christianity, he said that he loved and respected the teaching of Jesus, but he was puzzled that he never seemed to be able to experience that love and teaching in those who called themselves Christians.

Of course the same can be said about most religious/spiritual paths -- we all fall short! Nevertheless, the question we must always challenge ourselves with is this one: Are we merely admirers of Jesus or do we try to actually PRACTICE what he taught? Are we disciples of Jesus or "users" of Christiantity (as John Ortberg puts it so well)?

Take a look at this video clip and tell me what you think.



  1. Talking the the talk is much easier than walking the walk. I belive that many "so called" Christians have distorted Gods teachings to fit their own agendas and poltical ideology. That being said, it is no wonder they spend so much of their time and energy working against the very teachings they claim to belive in. In the bible Gods teachings tell us to love each other as he loves us. Which means unconditionaly regardless of race, gender, sexual prefrence, socioeconomic staus or any other man derived limitation on that love. As long as so many of our fellow Christains practice love those who are like me, it is no wonder that the true sprit of God's love is so hard to find in the Chistain community.

  2. Ah yes! So simple, so difficult -- to totally love God and totally love our next door neighbors throughout the world. You know, John, we could spend the rest of our lives trying to do this -- and we should!
