Saturday, February 13, 2021

About Resilience


Researcher Dr. Lucy Hone, talks about what she learned about resilience — surviving loss and experiencing grief. 

In the following TED talk, she speaks not only about her research, but also about her own grief; losing her daughter in a tragic automobile accident.

I found what Dr. Hone had to say is consistent with what I am going through — and maybe what you are experiencing or have experienced as well.

She offers three simple , but effective, grief survival strategies to gather a person’s resilience:

1. Resilient people know shit happens; that suffering is a part of every human person’s existence.

2. Resilient people are very good at selecting where they focus their attention. They tune into the good and being grateful. They realize what they can control and what they cannot.

3. Resilient people continue to ask themselves, “Is what I am doing now helping or harming me? They choose to put themselves back insto the “driver’s seat.” 

You can view an abbreviate video of her talk here. I found it very helpful.

You can also view the full 16 minute video here:

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